Why is that Marine getting a tube shoved down his throat?

A video posted to the unofficial U.S. Marine Corps u/USMC Reddit channel on Tuesday has brought on a firestorm of comments about what happens when Marines get bored. 

The video in question appears to show a dangerous attempt at demonstrating the use of an i-gel — an obnoxious-looking advanced airway device which the Marine, or a Navy corpsman, in the video is seen shoving down the throat of another conscious Marine. As an experienced paramedic who has used an i-gel or two in real life, I can tell you this procedure is a step down from endotracheal intubation and not something that should be taken lightly. 

I don’t want to be a party pooper, but here’s the thing: an i-gel is meant to be used as an airway device that helps healthcare personnel breathe for another person or to completely take over their airway. No explanation can justify the amount of risk being taken in the video. For starters, there are zero reasons to train the use of an i-gel on a fully conscious person when there are manikins designed for exactly this purpose.

That being said, almost anyone with proper training can place one of these devices. Without going into exact details, the basic procedure is putting the provided gel on the seat of the i-gel, aligning it with the anatomy of the airway, and then pushing it down the airway until you meet resistance. The catch? The patient needs to be under some type of sedation or, at minimum, have no gag reflex (I apologize for what will happen to the comment section now).

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