Did Phil See His Shadow in 2025? Punxsutawney Groundhog’s Prediction – Hollywood Life News

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It’s Groundhog Day, and it wouldn’t be the same celebration if it weren’t for Punxsutawney Phil. The iconic world-famous weather psychic made his prediction for 2025’s winter season from the Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, February 2, and many gathered around to see what Phil predicted. So, will we have six more weeks of winter this year, or will we see some warm weather with an early spring? Find out if Phil saw his shadow below.

Who Is Punxsutawney Phil?

Phil has been the iconic weather predictor since 1887. He is also known by the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club as the “Seer of Seers,” the “Prognosticator of Prognosticators,” the “Weather Predictor Extraordinaire,” the “Br’er Groundhog” and the “National Treasure.” The lore states that there is only one Punxsutawney Phil — similar to how we only observe that there is one Easter Bunny, one Santa Claus, one Tooth Fairy and other mythical holiday figures.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Phil’s weather predictions have had 35 percent accuracy over the past several years. In 2024, Phil did not see his shadow and, therefore, predicted an early spring.

What Is Groundhog Day?

Groundhog Day is a yearly tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2. Pennsylvania has been the site of the festivity for years, especially after the famous Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day premiered in 1993 and included Punxsutawney as the setting. In fact, Bill‘s film character’s name is Phil. The character hates his job as a TV weatherman, and he becomes trapped in a daily cycle when he wakes up on Groundhog Day every single morning. The only way Phil breaks the loop is when he falls in love with Andie MacDowell‘s character, Rita.

Did Phil See His Shadow in 2025?

Yes, Phil saw his shadow. So, this year’s winter should last six weeks longer.

It was a different celebration for Phil this year because the groundhog is a father to twins, which the public helped name Shadow and Sunny.

When Is Groundhog Day Usually Celebrated?

Groundhog Day always falls on February 2 because it’s the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. The festivity dates back to the Christian holiday known as Candlemas Day, according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. The tradition of an animal predicting the weather began in Germany and eventually became a global tradition.

The club also noted that Groundhog Day was officially mentioned in a newspaper in 1886.

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